In a truly diverse workplace, there are different employees, they are valued and everyone is equally included in the work. Diversity is here - let's be different together!

Diversity can be seen in working life in many ways

Employees of different ages 

In the workplace, it is important to consider young people, adults, middle-aged people and adults.

Family-friendly workplace 

A family-friendly workplace takes into account different life situations.

Gender equality in the workplace 

The Equality Act obliges employers to promote gender equality.

Multicultural work communities 

At their best, different cultures enliven and unite work communities. 

Disabled employees 

The disabled are a very heterogeneous group. Different injuries have different effects. 

Employees able to work part-time

Employees who are able to work part-time can be, for example, sick or convalescing.

Rainbow people 

Invisible in many companies. A safe working atmosphere would make everyone feel better.

Linguistic diversity 

In order to avoid misunderstandings, the workplace language should be clear. 

Other individual characteristics 

All people are different in one way or another. Diversity is part of everyday workplace life.